[DIARY] 20230208 I am Back

Terhitung udah 5 bulan 28 hari gw puasa ngebacot di blog gaje ini. So, here I am.

Sejak bulan Agustus kemarin banyak momen yang sudah terjadi. Eh, ini udah 2023 juga hahaha. Biasanya gw nulis journey recap di sini. Tapi karena gw depresi ya udin kelewat.

Okeh, apa aja yang udah gw lewatin selama lima bulan terakhir? Mulai dari masalah kerjaan, kali ya. Gw udah quit, ga lanjut. Pengen nyari tempat baru yang gw bisa lebih berkembang di sana. Jujur ya, gajinya emang oke banget trus gw bisa eksplor sendiri. Cuman ga banyak yang bisa gw pelajari, sih. Kurang tantangan aja. Jadinya gw berani mengeluarkan diri di tengah badai layoff. Wkwkwkwk. Lagian gw juga mau fokus beresin Tugas Akhir gw.

Oke, speaking of final project in uni, it’s finally over. I just need to finish all the administrations. Honestly speaking, I’m not satisfied with the result of this final project. But, screw it! I tried my best and it seems like no matter how many months I need to take to finish it the result will still come out as shitty as I thought. I grinded for something I did not sign up in the first place. I leant my lesson, now I just want to finish it. So, yeah now I am waiting for my documents to be signed by a professor. Damn, this thing really makes me anxious. Every time! I hope it is really finally over today!

Quit talking about that depressive story, now I want to talk about love. Suddenly? Yeah. I used to like someone last year, I guess I sill do but I had to call it quit. I’m still moving on. I sensed something wrong about it. Besides, this guy also said that he ain’t ready for commitment. Ok, why would I waste my time playing around with this guy. Yes, there is something about me that if you mean it please do not play around. Once I fall, not gonna lie I fall really deep. I guess this thing makes me as a human. But it’s not for everyone apparently. Something about romantic relationship is just too serious for me. Lol. I don’t know why, but I don’t want to play around with it. I could say that if one wants to date me then one has to have commitment to marry me in the end. I could wait even until death separate us, but one has to promise me that one is ready to be in a long term relationship with me. Someone said those thought was totally crap, it doesn’t work in this current society. Well, I believe in that crap unfortunately and I am not gonna change it. I believe out of 8 billion people in this world that kind of guy exist, if it doesn’t I don’t mind staying single for the rest of my life.

Nah, I guess I have to watch less Tiktok videos. Especially those videos about hopeless romantic people. Lol.

I feel like I am ready for a new start. A new journey. I don’t know where to go actually. But let’s just keep walking. I hope I can figure something new out along the way.

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